
Ratings recalculation

All ratings are being reprocessed from scratch, again. The operation is expected to last 3 hours. Meanwhile, we can only play casual games.
Now standard rating is based on how many games you have played in each category.
This system favours good bullet players since you can play a lot more bullet games as classical in same time.

Person A: Bullet rating 2000 in 1000 games and classical rating 1000 in 100 games will have rating (2000*1000+1000*100)/(1000+100)=1909

Person B: Bullet raing 1000 in 1000 games and classical rating 2000 in 100 games will have rating

Correct me if i am wrong but:
If person A(or B) would win one bullet game and achieve +10 points in his bullet rating, that would have much higher impact on standard rating than if he win a classical game and achieve +10 in classical rating.

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