
Credits: Sony-Channel (Editing with Paint 3D is painstakingly hard)

How to Find Your Level : Average Accuracy Calculations

AnalysisChessChess engine
It's really simple math!

How We Find Our Level

We usually find our level by our ratings. But there might be another method.

Pros and Cons of Ratings


  • Is stable
  • Cheating is rare and can be caught


  • There are cheaters
  • Sandbagging
  • Always playing with lower-rated players results in being overrated

Average Accuracy

This is not necessary to do, but for the sake of curiosity, let's do it

How to calculate it

To calculate, you first must need a true rating, and then you must round it up to the rating of Stockfish.
Eg: 1573 = Stockfish 4 (1700) / 1921 = Stockfish 5 (2000)
Then you must play five games with it and then request the computer analysis at the end of each game.
Add your five accuracies together and divide them by five and you will get your average accuracy.


You CANNOT use the engine or any other assistance against it (Lichess allows it?!)
You CANNOT throw the game

There aren't many pros or in average accuracy. But one con is that anyone can use stockfish against stockfish, which is really pointless and idiotic.

Anyways, good luck, and thank you for reading, and I hope this doesn't happen to you :) -

This is my best blog yet, and I put a lot of work into it to make it as best as possible, so thanks for reading. I really appreciate it! (also, I didn't use Grammarly, why would I? *cough* *cough*)