FM Millionaire_19 Lichess coach picture

FM Daler Vakhidov

Level Up Your Chess: From 1000 to 2000 Rating with Personalized Coaching

Location United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2313275026102534
Hourly rateAccepting applications for June. My email is
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hey there! My name is Daler and I am 21 years old FIDE Master. I have been been playing chess since I was 5 years old and train daily with my father and brother . I am a very active and dynamic player who has worked with a lot of different coaches and has coached many students as well.

I have found that the most effective training regimen involves a mixture of learning foundations and practicing the lessons in a session of games. My training plans all include actionable homework and tactics puzzles and I offer both hourly and weekly package pricing. My specialty is tutoring beginners and younger students but I have several adult professional students as well.

Please reach out via [EMAIL] to discuss scheduling, pricing and any other concerns.
(FIDE Current rating 2210, FIDE max rating 2313)

Playing experience

I have been playing chess for over 15 years.
In 2018, FIDE (World Chess Federation) awarded me with (FM) FIDE Master Title.

My career highlights include:
-1st place in Asian Amateur Chess Championship in Brunei Darussalam (2015)
-1st place in Asian Chess Championship Under 15 (2016)
-Participated in World Chess Olympiad Under 16 (India, Ahmedabad 2017) and got the 4th place.
-1st place in Penang Open Under 16(Malaysia 2016)
-3rd place in Western Asian Chess Championship Under 18 (Tashkent 2018)
-1st place in Almaty Open Under 18 (Kazakhstan 2017)

Teaching experience

• I have over 3 years of experience working as a professional chess coach with students from all over the world, including the USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, England, Singapore, and more.

• ​​I offer an innovative training program to help you learn fast and become a better player. My success comes from combining a carefully designed dynamic powerful chess program for different skill levels from beginner to advanced with my extensive experience teaching and playing chess. The result is measured by your increased performance in tournaments and a higher rating in FIDE and USCF. Most of my students were beginners looking for someone to guide their way through copious amounts of chess material
available out there. Besides beginners I've been successfully teaching 1600-2200 elo strength players and children.

• My best students improved their rating 200-300 points in 2-4 months period.

• Before the first lesson, I will identify your level of chess and come up with a long term training plan. I will assign you homework weekly. You will be able to send me any questions or games any time and I will be trying to answer them asap. During the lessons, we will be doing many different things, it will mostly depend on your level. For every level there is an appropriate way of teaching. I have an individual training approach to every student that will help you to find the issues in your play and fix them.

Other experiences

During typical lesson we would consider all aspects of chess:

1. Opening
2. Middlegame
3. Endgame
4. Understanding and tactic skills
5. Watching your games and looking for mistakes, with my explanations
6. Training games
7. Chess Psychology

I really enjoy teaching and video editing, so by combining them together, I created my YouTube Channel:, which has over 1000 subscribers. The videos on this channel are educational, and I'll be on cloud nine if you learn something.

Best skills

- King's indian defense
- Nimzo-indian defense
- Bogo-indian defense
- King's Gambit
- Queen's gambit accepted
- Queen's gambit declined
- Benoni & Czech Benoni
- Dutch defense
- Colle-Zuckertort System
- French defense
- Sicilian, Accelerated Dragon
- King's indian attack

- Positional elements
- Evaluation
- Finding a plan
- Defining the weaknesses
- Getting to know what matters
- Candidate moves
- Calculation & Visualization

- Basic Pawn Endgames
- Minor Pieces Endgames
- Basic Rook Endgames
- Basic Queen Endgames

- experience in teaching kids

Teaching methodology

Beginner Boost
1 Beginner Lesson
Customized Homework
1-Hour Practice Session
Price: $70/week (20% discount included)

Intermediate Improvement
1 Intermediate Lesson
Tailored Homework Assignments
1-Hour Practice Session
Price: $80/week (20% discount included)

Advanced Advancement
1 Advanced Lesson
Advanced Level Homework Tasks
1-Hour Practice Session
Price: $90/week (20% discount included)

Tournament Preparation
1 Lesson on Tournament Strategies
Intensive Tournament Homework
1-Hour Practice Session
Price: $100/week (20% discount included)

Mastering Tactics
1 Lesson on Tactical Patterns
Tactical Puzzle Homework
1-Hour Tactical Practice Session
Price: $100/week (20% discount included)

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