
annoying amazon prime advertising in streams

every time i try to watch a stream, there is this advertising coming up, which for me makes viewing streams not possible annymore, i find it a bit too annoying, that there is no opt out for adds anymore, as they are streaming directly from the twitch domain.

any suggestions how to disable unwanted advertising in streams?
uBlock Origin.

Add this extension to your chrome or firefox browser. It will change your life.
#2 it won't block the twitch ads

I tested it
It's even more annoying when you... have amazon prime. Fuck you Amazon, tryna' sell me stuff I already bought from you
#3 uBlock origin does block twitch ads, im using the newest firefox
@alex_beneath Me too. On my machine it definitely does not block it. Maybe you have some additional add-ons like no-script thingies?
1.14.18 here too. Firefox 58.06b x64 (Linux)

Maybe it works for you, but not for me. I don't know why.

But it reliably blocks YouTube ads.
@scuffi Running Ubuntu 16.04, no Twitch ads. I suspect that he is using, as I am, firefox quantum. I am not sure what 58.06b is, maybe that is the name for quantum...

Did you check your white listed sites? Perhaps you accidentally white-listed at some point.
Wait, do you mean the Prime advertisements? The crown at the top right with the number in red? In order to remove that you need to get the Better Twitch TV add-on. You should have it anyway, as twitch in white color is painful. To remove the adverts, you need to go into some chat room, click the gear at the bottom, lick on BTTV settings, and find "Hide Prime Promotions — Hides the "Free With Prime" section of the sidebar" and slide to 'on'.

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