
'Lost to a cheater' message

I have recently received the message 'you've lost to a cheater' get back 26 rating points.

Has anyone else seen that?

Is there a way I can find out who the cheater was?
The only current way is to go back through your game history and check each of your opponents to see if they have been flagged as using computer assistance, though I question the need to know that information.
You can look at your last lost games and click on the opponent's name to enter his profile. If he's cheater you're gonna find a warning there.
Unfortunately this site is full of cheaters. I think they are too stupid to play without an engine. I don't even know why they play this game if it's too hard for their poor brains. They should go and do something else, some sport that don't make them think.
@Drawish_Giri "this site is full of cheaters."
That's nonsense, cheaters are a very small minority. I wonder where that rumor that everyone is a cheater comes from. I suspect that a lot of people simply are bad losers and blame their losses on cheaters.
I never got that above message, and I don't think it's because noone gets catched, rather that I really did not play any cheaters. (I don't remember any game where I had the feeling my opponent could be a cheater)
Actually no, it is not "nonsense". I wonder where you got that impression that a lot of people do not cheat.
You work for NSA? In every game where people have the opportunity to cheat a lot of them will do that.

I personally do not care that much. I like playing against AI. It is great practice.
MoistvonLipwig, there are so many cheaters that lichess has created a system to detect them. Welsey So left Lichess because he got tired of losing to cheaters. Google to see what I'm talking about. Every day we see posts about cheaters here. If you haven't found any cheaters you're just a lucky person. I have no reason lie here. And by the way, I didn't say everyone is a cheater. I've just said there's a lot of them.
@Drawish_Giri I think people are much more likely to cheat vs. So compared to when playing against "normal people".
Yes, lichess created a cheater detection system, yes there are cheaters. But they are a small minority.
@BestSiteEver Funny to see someone be sure there are many cheaters whilst not having played a single game vs. humans. How you know that there are cheaters then?
How I know people don't cheat? I don't know for sure of course but
1. They would make absolutely no mistakes, and also they would just win every game.
2. They would now and then play really weird looking moves that turn out to be really strong (which is what computers do). I can't recall any game where my opponents played any absurd but strong moves.
3. How do you even want to cheat at fast time controls? In a bullet game you don't have the time to enter all moves into an engine, then read the output and play that move.
"Every day we see posts about cheaters."
Yes we do, but that doesn't mean there are many, it just means a lot of people write about it.

Don't get me wrong, if people cheat the certainly should get banned. But there seems to be a real "witch hunt" with many players being falsely accused. (not by lichess, but by some players who just can't accept they lost)
Weshley ishnt a normal pershon. He caresh more abouth hish ego than everthing elshe and criesh about loshing on one shite then joinsh another thatsh justh asth bad... whitch makesh him a hypocrithe.

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