
The problem that never dies

but that would mean I can't play half the time lol
I agree too! I have a third world connection.... And yes it is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry frustrating to play hyper and ultra due to my connection, and yeah i know i could avoid playing those variants but i like them and i want to play them for fun so... I agree with chhan!
I believe that restrictions must be optional. Let's say one can set 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000 ms limit for lag compensation, when creating tournament (or a game). And it should be very visible. So that a player before joining a tournament would see how much time they loses with current lag compensation settings.
The most terrible ping is from 150 to 400 ms. It's not yet enough much, so that one cannot constantly look at the clock to control the consumption of time, but already it's quite a lot, so that an opponent's clock doesn't tick, while their moves feel very slow.
Very good idea, Chesstroll. Atleast it could be something that could be testet for a period of time =)
Thank you, @isaacly, but that still won't solve the problem... Most of laggers are in 1xx--400 range. More than 300-400ms is rarity. I noticed that I'm more likely to lose to a lagging player than to a player with low ping, even if the lagging player has 100-300 points lower rating.
Indeed 350+ms is rare, especially in ultra. But if we reduce it more, we'll negatively affect the experience of larger groups of people.

@Chesstroll_Ingot Why don't you think it will solve the problem? Your issue is that some players are getting too much lag comp -- and I'm reducing the max lag comp for ultra.

We can't easily adjust lag comp on a per tourney basis. It's difficult technically and it also interferes with the the meaning of your rating, if the different lag comp tourneys were rated. And if we're talking about casual games I just can't imagine this option would be used that much.

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