

Someone delete this post I misread what was said before.
But please some more respect to the titled players of Lichess.
William's streams are good and the only time I have seen him accuse someone of cheating was when someone was ACTUALLY cheating. Every move that was played was an engine move recommended by SF.
In your situation I would just block him and not watch his streams. You'll never hear from him or play him again. Eccentrics and chess are inseparable. Karpov-Kortchnoi hiring opposing psychics to try to magically influence the other player, players thinking a player is receiving moves from a transmitter in his teeth. In modern times "toiletgate" in Kramnik - Topalov. Or Kasparov - Deep Blue where Kasparov thought the guards outside his door were chosen for Russian language skills and spying/transmitting their discoveries to the team to change the AI. So forth and so on.

I don't think we need to create the morality police. Given enough time we'd all end up in their prison.
This is by far the worst thread I have read in lichess forums. Definitely based on either trolling or hating, but either way, it is simply just so stupid.

IM William Paschall is one of the best streamers out there, and I hope he's not going anywhere anytime.
#9 #12 I think a rule against public accusations of cheating merits consideration for the sake of us who struggle using lichess forums and Q&A due to rampant accusations flooding the topic list. It's not about morality, it's about being able to use the site.
@LM OhNoMyPants

"I don't think we need to create the morality police. Given enough time we'd all end up in their prison."
Speak for yourself, thank you very much.

Let's suppose you are right (I wouldn't know, never watched this person)
If you have a problem with this streamer you should approach the appropriate Lichess people by private message/mail and don't vent your anger in a public forum.
Let's say someone burgled your house. Would you contact all the television talk-shows to tell them the news or go to the police?
@NobodyReally I'm not just referencing this specific issue. The point is that these sort of things never end at 1. The way that moralistic things snowball is good intentions gone astray. You create a rule stating that streamers are not allowed to suggest their opponents might be cheating because somebody took offense to this. Okay, whatever.

Now suddenly another streamer makes an off color joke regarding his opponent. And now another stream watcher comes up here, "I was watching this stream with my 7 year old son and he said 'x'! What? You're not allowed to say your opponent might be cheating but you can say 'x'? This is ridiculous!!! Fix this or I'm leaving the site!"

You have to draw a line somewhere, but the problem is each time you push that line forward it gets easier and easier to push it even a little bit more forward. This is how you get from dressing modestly to covering yourself head to toe in opaque black.

When you look at each little step on the way there nothing ever seems like a big deal. It's like if I ask you if you pluck out one hair from a full head of hair. Is that person bald? No of course not. How about 2, 3, 4, 5? Exactly how many hairs do you have to pluck before he is bald? From any given snapshot in team it never seems like he becomes bald does yet taken as a whole he most certainly does. So I take the stance that we shouldn't begin plucking those hairs in the first place.

So long as there are sufficient means to handle things on your own (such as blocking) let people be adults and decide for themselves what is or is not appropriate. The only exception would be for obviously majorly and intentionally disruptive things - spam, overt attempts to disrupt "normal" forum activity, etc.
some thoughts about this thread:

nice nice we all love a bit of drama

plot twist:OP is actually a cheater! ok not very spectacular, still better than a B-movie plot twist

tfw you haven't been accused of cheating since ages... Am I playing that weak?
@LM OhNoMyPants
If you take an opposite extreme of what you said. If somebody is allowed to say about you or other persons whatever lies not based on fact. It is also not good. So what you wrote about is only 1 site of the coin. You should see the whole picture. And we need to find balance between those 2 extremes even though it is very difficult to do that. Because neither one alone is good.

Have you ever heard about a term like "presumption of being innocent "? -( not sure whether it is the same term as in my language but you understand.)
To the streamers I do not tolerate this kind of behavior. Talking about thefts, psych. deform. of different people, different kind of accusations and everything not based on fact is not all right and should be dealt with.
I wanted to raise this question about this particular guy because I saw it way too much and was already full of it.
I can see that a lot of people have good laugh in here but it is actually a serious problem.
In TV a commentator can not say lies about anybody else ( not based on fact ) you understand it is not that easy to let everybody talk whatever they want to. The same with soldiers they can not express their opinion about their president. You probably know why.
I hope we understand each other now.

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