
playing with weaker people

I am wondering if whether playing with weaker peoples will make you worse at chess. i have recently started playing in my (400) rated that i made 2 years agos, so the people i play against are most pretty weak and blunders a lot. Should i still continues to play with the bad people there?
No I don’t really mind coz it’s fun winning all the time, I am just worried that if that is going to make me worse at chess, because I don’t really want that to happen( not saying i am good rn)
you are "kinda" weak yourself yet you feel like you are
I believe it depends on your mindset. If you just play thoughtlessly because they will blunder anyway then yes, it will hinder your game.
I would play as fast as you can with lower rated bots/players. Try to learn to play instantly good moves. The goal is different.
No, one doesn't become weaker on playing relatively weaker players.
Since you are already pretty good player than before, you would quickly achieve the equivalent rating at other site as well as it wouldn't take that many games.
Unless you don't want to play there, that's your decision!
Playing weaker players is great for your ego! The object of any game is to win, and you'll quickly tire of chess if you lose again and again.
Of course, to get better, you need to play a mix - weaker, similar and stronger opponents. Just because someone is weaker doesn't guarantee a win. Playing such games teaches you to be precise in converting an advantage and how to keep on fighting in equal or even inferior positions.

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