
Who is your favorite chess player?

For various reasons... Morphy, Capablanca, Nezhmetdinov, Tal, Fischer, Ivanchuk, Morozevich, Grischuk, Nakamura, Carlsen, Caruana
Hikaru Nakamura - I love his style of chess and his amazing bullet and blitz skills. I also love how he's contributed so much to the chess community streaming hours of instructive chess every day, something which none of the other top players do.
The ones whose games I've most enjoyed playing through are Larsen, Taimanov, Spassky & Kavalek. The ones I've systematically studied and helped me improve the most are Keres, Fischer and Capablanca. Smyslov's treatments of IQPs is excellent- 'tho I've only played thru a few of his games I think I've learned from each one. I've studied systematically Alekhine & Bronstein's games but dont think I've gotten much. The first because he plays speculative sacrifices that I just didnt understand at the time. The second because his instinct for the ebb and flow of initiative just seemed to be intuitive: I could admire it but not learn from it. I hope to have time to study the games of the first 3 systematically.
I found Morphy's and Alekhine's games to be very beautiful.
Seeing their pieces moved is like watching poetry in motion, and I unfailingly get motivated to play some of my own masterpieces (I also unfailingly fail to succeed).
Capablanca - for his simplicity, elegance, and mastery of the endgame
Botvinnik - for his systematic approach and play
Morozevich - for exciting and creative play
Kasparov - as the total package
Spassky - the one I would want to play a game and have a drink with
I can only really say I have one favourite player... myself!
Jokes aside, my favourite player to have ever played is probably either Tal (his games + style of playing were AMAZING) or Morphy (the guy was decades ahead of his time and the game came to him so naturally).

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