
Return rating

Return rating
I played against a person @Nofinal in front of whom it was written: This account violated the Lichess Terms of Service
He beat me in a manner unusual for his level of play, and my rating dropped by more than 30 points. I had to play a lot of difficult games to get this rating. He was banned, but my rating was not returned to me. Please return the rating that was stolen from me.
In, it says that the latest 40 rated games from your opponent in the last 3 days are taken, and if you are the opponent then you will get a rating refund. I checked @Nofinal 's profile, and saw that it was more than 40 rated games until I saw you.

I think it is a bit dumb - maybe do the 40 rated games in a certain gamemodes since there are different rating pools.
It would have been returned as soon as your opponent was banned. So the answer is No.
The reason you dropped by 30 points is your large classical rating deviation. With a stable rating you just lose about 6 points from a level game
@Cedur216 it wasn't a level game.
it was game with a 700 point difference, but still most of the time only 10-15 points are lost even when losing to someone many hundred points below your rating, so rating deviation was high, but I believe still eligible for a refund, but the game wasn't in the latest 40 games of the banned user, as pointed out by #2, so no refund was given.
Yeah true but ... there's a chance to recover this by own force.

I don't know the deep reason behind all the restrictions, but they're all supposed to prevent inflation from refunds
@Al_Shima said in #1:
> Return rating
> I played against a person @Nofinal in front of whom it was written: This account violated the Lichess Terms of Service
> He beat me in a manner unusual for his level of play, and my rating dropped by more than 30 points. I had to play a lot of difficult games to get this rating. He was banned, but my rating was not returned to me. Please return the rating that was stolen from me.

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