
A 10 year old superstar


9 Rounds Swiss

Rate of play:
90 minutes in 40 moves +
30 minutes all moves +
30 seconds for each move
starting from move 1

Also to above posters. I did not mean to say he has not put effort in study's because for anyone to get to that level it is a must and it does take massive effort. But for his age 10 or 11 years old it is difficult to do that much studying. Massive amount of respect ether way. :D
@noob2chess #1

Great game, thanks for sharing.

Interesting to see that white went for an endgame with Q+B vs. Q+N, where the bishop party turned out to be superior.
With little amount of pieces on the board, the Q+N is quite often more dangerous than Q+B, but not here.
Thanks @achja very interesting game indeed. Q+N vs Q+B is a long debated topic for the endgame. In my opinion I want whatever one is more active. This case it was the bishop. ;) But the knight was so far away. If he had 2 tempos it would have been a different story.

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