
When should h3 be played?

You often hear that moves like h3 are prophylactic. Sometimes the engine will agree, other times it's irrelevant to the existing momentum and advantage in the position. I'm trying to have an understanding I can apply generally to my games, so I can play it with more confidence instead of trepidation.

Some specific considerations:
- h3 in the Ruy Lopez (should it be played? When? When not?)
- Black's sacrifices against h3

We can also apply this to a3, a6, and h6 if you want, but h3 is that I'm immediately focused on.


h3 is used in the Ruy Lopez to prevent Black from playing Bg4 and it is annoying after White plays d4.
One thing to keep in mind is that all pawn moves create a weakness. It’s important to outweigh the benefits of moving a pawn with the costs. In this case, the benefits of preparing d4 and stopping Bg4 outweigh the cost of a Bxh3 sacrifice. It probably will take some time for Black to set up the sac (Be6-Qd7) and in the meantime you should have enough time to push d4. The sac itself shouldn’t be too scary (something like Nf3-h2 and Qf3 should be possible)
;) In Blitz and Bullet you can play any move whenever you want. In rapid and classical you should play it according to the demands of the position.

Sometimes it is a move deciding the opening lines, sometimes it is a prophylactic or attacking move in the later run of the game. See the Nimzo-Indian. When to play a3 is a science there.

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