
My opponent blundered the queen and leaves

I played a game against another unsportive user. He lost his queen (he was forced) and immediately after that move he left the game! These players are so unsportive!

This is one of my pet hates, I wish people would either resign or play on. The whole leaving thing is getting really old. I´m also seeing lots of people not playing and just running the clock down in longer games...this is pretty dull if it´s 20 minutes and nothing is going on. I hope Lichess does something about this sooner rather than later..
I've never left a game without resigning, but for some reason my completion rate is less than 100% The only explanation I have for this is that sometimes I abort a game if my opponent doesn't make his opening move in a timely manner.
I also abort a game if there is no opening move in a few days (I play CC). As to people abandoning a game after a blunder it's bad sport, but not too harmful to the aggrieved player if it's a very short time control. Some players wait after a blunder in a real-time game until time is almost out, then make a move - hoping you have stopped paying attention and then lose on time - that's also rude.
Once again it happened. In the last game I played my opponent lost the Queen and soon after that he left the game. That's so unsportive and frustarting! :(

Fortunately it was a short time control and I didn't have to wait for long until I could claim victory.
This happens all the time to me. The opponent blundered a piece or he will lose in two or three moves, he disappears.
It would be nice if the admins at Lichess could do something about this. I just finished a 30 minute game and my opponent stopped playing after going down a queen. Unfortunately I had to wait for almost 20 minutes for his time to run out. Any other ideas? It's so strange how people somehow get satisfaction out of doing this. Weird.
Lichess cannot do anything about that. You can play faster time control games. I do not think this gives the losing player satisfaction; I rather think he cannot handle his loss and he is emotionally dissatisfied. It is not that weird: over the board many young players play too fast and when their position is lost they start thinking and using all their time as if to hope for a miracle.

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