
Disconnection Assumption too strict.

I think the assumptions Lichess makes for a disconnection is too strict.

I had 5 minutes left on the clock, when there was a power failure. It took me a minute and a half to get back online. Which means, I still had 3 and a half minutes on the clock. If there was no power failure, my opponent would have been expected to wait the full five minutes.

Here is the game:

If you look at my record, out of the previous 22 games, I won 21, and drew 1. Granted I am not a high ranked player, and I've been mainly playing with lower ranked players like myself, but having a small "goal" like not losing, is fun! And I think the assumption Lichess makes for disconnections is stupid, since if my internet connection was not interrupted, my opponent would have been expected to wait five minutes anyway! If its reasonable, to allow your opponent to take one minute to move (when he has five minutes left on the clock), why isn't it reasonable to assume, that maybe he has a spotty internet connection or there is a power failure, and he will be back.

If you look at my record, the only other time there was a disconnection, is when the same thing happened! I complained about it then too. I don't think this disconnection assumption really benefits anyone, because if someone really disconnects, you can leave your own browser window open and let him timeout, while you do something else.

Just for some perspective - If there is a power failure even for a second, it takes most modems atleast 30 seconds to boot up, and can take any amount of time for the wifi to become active and your laptop to connect. So the current time out is too harsh.
Yeah, I would agree with you, if you were referring to rated games. Since those are more likely to matter, especially if ratings are important to the players.

If it were anonymous or unrated games, I feel like the disconnecting system is fair. In your case Smash, I think you just had a bit of misfortune, and maybe your opponent would accept a rematch.
If you see this game:

The guy did exactly what I said! The moment his queen was trapped, he did precisely nothing, and let his time run out so I would have to wait. He did not close his browser window.

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