
How to accelerate your graphics in Lichess?

@Chesstroll_Ingot I don't bother at all, in fact I enjoy playing an unrated game with you from time to time. It was just a little remark that could also be seen as a joke :) . Also there are other ways to improve one's bullet, e.g. becoming better at CHESS (please don't take this as an insult, this is a general thing which can help everyone).
I am completely agree with #2.. Since its not a first person shooter game, graphics is not that much important.. All you need is a faster and faster connection speed and try to keep your CPU process under 40%. So that there will be no lag within your system..
jlobes, I'm going to move to Ethernet cable in few days. Maybe it will help.
Graphics shortening helps. I have only 128 Mb GPU.
I was talking about smooth movements of pieces, not about Internet lag in this post.

eatchipss, in my experience chrome is better. Currently, at least.

Kabeljaukrieger, but that is not related to the topic.

Jeff-TheKiller, for me it's important. I have 128Mb GPU, and somehow those things improved my speed.
OK, I understand. But really, you're already really fast, do you think you can save more than 1s by all the above mentioned measures combined? I think you can save more time if you work on premoves / anticipation or something like that, if you are SO serious about becoming better at bullet.
#13 I really doubt that your GPU (and its memory) is very important in a 2D environment like your desktop. Of course you need a graphic card to see something, but your CPU speed (and RAM) is much more performance critical.
That is funny.
When I played before, I experienced pieces lagging. I take a piece, drag it, and it somehow freezes. So I lost much time because of this.
Now I did all those things, and pieces go smoothly. But you want to convince me that it doesn't help.
That does help.
And I didn't question it's effectiveness. I know that it is effective. I questioned for more ways to shorten my graphics.
Restarting your browser once in a while definitely helps
#16 that problem occurs not because of GPU bro.. It happens when your CPU process gets higher than 70% and it starts to heat up... This is the root of lagging .. I recommend you to use some cooling pads and try to close down other unnecessary softwares that's are running in background..
Yes, sometimes my CPU goes to 100%. Even with this new settings. Cooler is old, yes. Something makes my CPU spike to 100% sometimes.
I don't know about your system specifications but if its an old laptop then you need to change the thermal paste as well as clean your internal cooling fan..

It will solve the problem I hope ;)

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