
What is better: Sicilian or French?

I've been playing the French Defense for 5 years.
I recommend the French as you don't need to memorise so many lines.
Sicilian is for those who have infinite time.
Even the computer suggests 1..e6. Go figure.
I don't play either opening, but I'd say I'm more comfortable with Sicilian positions than French positions so for me Sicilian Defence.
The higher rated you are the more you like the Sicilian. At most levels it doesn't matter and is more about personal preference (even at top levels).
Sicillian and French defense give advantage for white
I prefer Sicillian because French defense is more harder to play
Sicilian is more sound as we now know, but both are playable, just on high level your life will be hard with French as black, at least this is how Peter Svidler explained it. On our level however none of this matters, you can play Grob and Borg defense and if you know it a little bit you will have no issues smashing 2100s with it.
With sicilian you want to seek advantage as black. With the French just a solid game playing for a draw.

Many variations of the French black goes for a counterattack, this is why attacking crazy players like Morozevich and Simon Williams play the French. The idea is often to attack the d4 pawn, on the f-file, sac a rook on f3 for w bite knight or sac a rook on a8...

I like French defense, don´t play but i know his theory. I like that for posicional games, Sicilian is for an open game (more aggresive). Both are good openings ;)

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