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1644 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - But I'm NOT sandbagging, I naturally lose at rated matches!#3

@katmusic2024 said in #1: > ... Could somebody please explain ... httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/7cnCQfra How did it come about that, after 1 d3 b6 2 e3 Bb7 3 h3 g6 4 h4 Bg7 5 Rh3 d6 6 Rg3 Be5 7 Rg5 e6 …

General Chess Discussion - Is it normal to have a winning streak and then suddenly start losing several games in a row?#5

It seems to me that, in blitz games, players are effectively guessing what to do. Guesses can become more reckless due to various emotional factors.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Books: Thoughts on Reading Program#10

Here is an example of a comment from pages 188 and 189 of the book (on the position after 1 c4 c6 2 e4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 cxd5 Nf6 5 Bb5+ Nbd7 6 Nc3 g6 7 Nf3 Bg7 8 d6 exd6 9 O-O O-O 10 d4 h6 11 Bf4 Nb6 …

General Chess Discussion - Chess Books: Thoughts on Reading Program#8

@forsoothplays said in #7: > ... (or at least, that's how it seems from the cover). Therefore it's reasonable to consider what knowledge of positional themes in (relative) isolation is necessary befor…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Books: Thoughts on Reading Program#5

My guess is that being ready for a book is more a matter of experience than knowledge. I, for example, do not need anyone to explain to me that 3...f6 is probably a bad idea after 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 …

General Chess Discussion - Chess Books: Thoughts on Reading Program#2

This issue is way above my pay grade, but I do feel that I can suggest that you not worry about planning too far ahead. Focus on finding a strategy book that you are comfortable reading now, and make …

General Chess Discussion - How to play chess good?#11

General Chess Discussion - How to identify style?#7

“... You don’t have to have a style. ...” - Ellen DeGeneres

General Chess Discussion - what if my opponent copy all my move#4

Maybe try 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Nc3 Nc6 4 Bb5 Bb4 5 O-O O-O 6 d3 d6 7 Bg5 Bg4 8 Bxf6 Bxf3 9 Qxf3 Qxf6 10 Qxf6 gxf6 11 Nd5.

General Chess Discussion - Moving from beginner to good chess player.#5

"... Sure, fast games are fine for practicing openings (not the most important part of the game for most players) and possibly developing decent board vision and tactical 'shots', but the kind of thin…
