
Search "user:Kabeljaukrieger"

25 forum posts
Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#53

#48 nice ;)

IM Kabeljaukrieger
Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#52

malakassis, he never said that I played crap. Everyone of us had phases where he could beat the other one in most of the games.

IM Kabeljaukrieger
Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#44

Dear Mr Kingscrusher, although I perfectly understand that you don't want your internet chess (which is your free time enjoyment) spoiled by constantly losing to engine cheaters. And altough I agree t…

IM Kabeljaukrieger
Game analysis - Analysing my games against Kingscrusher.#7

nice, I hope to see some more streams soon! ;)

IM Kabeljaukrieger
General Chess Discussion - Wordcup heads up in lichess#22

I am not a moderator, but i definitely like it ;)

IM Kabeljaukrieger