
Search "user:Bonestorm"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Maestro piece set not showing.#1

Anyone has this issue? I use the Maestro piece set but it looks like blindfold mode. When I select another set the pieces are showing as normal. Any idea?

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating jumped 100 points overnight#4

@jdwhite42 said in #2: > everything looks fine on my end... Yes - I know there is no jump from yesterday to today, but unless I am really an idiot, yesterday I was 2200ish - I never was above 2300. So…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating jumped 100 points overnight#1

Hi all, Just wondering - my puzzle rating, including the historical data, seems to have jumped by 100 points overnight. Anyone has this issue?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess v2 - feedback#10

I resized it to 75% in Chrome on Win10, Chrome then stores that setting for the site, so this works for me as the default is too large.
