
Search "user:ratzinjammers"

107 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - GM vs begginer#5 From "Yasser's Greatest Hits", but maybe the Four Seasons outsold him?

General Chess Discussion - Does this checkmate have a name?#6

It is a suffocation mate. The flight squares g7 and g8 are blocked by the white rook instead of by black's pieces as they would be in a smothered mate. (I really need a spool chicken. I can't spool fo…

General Chess Discussion - Anatoly Karpov#10

@kaissa44 Karpov is part of the Russian government. As a member of the Duma he voted for the recognition of the insurrectionists in the eastern Ukraine, which formed part of the pretext for the Russia…

Game analysis - Post Miniatures Here#7

Here's a miniature where I apparently made zero inaccuracies, mistakes, or blunders -- despite missing a mate in one.

Lichess Feedback - Basic tactics, skewers #3 malfunction#2

I'll start with a hint, and the idea behind it. You want to drag white's queen on to the long diagonal so that you can skewer it with your light squared bishop against the rook on h1. So, how would yo…

General Chess Discussion - I need help with a feature.#2

When you go to a chapter in your study there will be a row of tabs under the board. One of those tabs has a picture of a tag on it, and a mouse over that says "PNG tags". Click on that, and then "New …

General Chess Discussion - why is this gambit Dubious ?#3

Yep, if white plays 4 bad moves in a row black can do really well here. On the other hand if white sticks to opening principles, takes on d4 instead of e5, and then castles on move 5 then black's 5 be…

General Chess Discussion - Openings#5

@BharathSom one of my best games with the English:

General Chess Discussion - Hi,Friends where i can find historical games, e.g. Alekhin-Capablanca 1927 on Lichess?#3

As NM ThunderClap says you can import them from and put them in to a lichess study. Works best with one game per chapter, and you can have 64 chapters per study. I tend to use the first…

General Chess Discussion - What is the best chess book recommendation for my level?#9

The classic games collection by Bobby Fischer is "My 60 Memorable Games". There are also books on his championship and candidates matches. Everyman Chess Classics has published Mikhail Tal's "The Life…
