
Search "user:scottdpt12"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Really interesting read - IM Greg Shahade: "Slow Chess should die a fast death"! #44

@kris9191 Your comment is reaffirming evidence that general discourse is lacking these days. You arrogant and dismissive comment doesn't deserve my sustained attention. Good luck in the future with en…

General Chess Discussion - Really interesting read - IM Greg Shahade: "Slow Chess should die a fast death"! #39

A lot of people are missing the point here. As a PLAYER, you may love classical time controls. Of that I have no argument. But as a SPECTATOR, 4-6 hour games are, for MOST PEOPLE, absolutely unwatchab…

General Chess Discussion - Why people cheat? If you cheat why you play?#6

Weak sense of self.

General Chess Discussion - About Chess#7

Thanks for the great responses! I appreciate the detailed discussion of subconscious understanding of the game. I suppose my post was meant to elucidate the unique nature of chess in relation to the t…

General Chess Discussion - About Chess#1

I've been thinking about why chess can be very frustrating for a lot of people, and I've thought about one aspect of this in particular. Could it be that chess has zero element of "luck" to it? In oth…

General Chess Discussion - How can I understand cheaters ?#16

I have spoken with a few cheaters that occasionally will admit to it. Their reasoning goes something like, "I was tired of losing to people who were playing bad moves, so I started to use an engine to…

General Chess Discussion - How can I understand cheaters ?#8

The topic of cheaters in online chess has always fascinated me. I guess I'll never really understand their thinking. It's a very sad way to live your life and I actually feel sorry for them. What a pa…

Lichess Feedback - Drawing arrows while watching games#11

Many thanks thibault!! Your quick response and fix only goes to show how great this site is! I really appreciate it as I know many others do as well. You're awesome!

Lichess Feedback - Drawing arrows while watching games#7

Bummer that it hasn't been fixed for when observing games. I hope this doesn't get left out.

Lichess Feedback - Drawing arrows while watching games#6

#5 Correct, it's still not working while observing games for me.
