
Pieces won't move and ran out of time

In the game, in what would be the end position, the move I did was not executed. When I moved the piece it highlighted the move in dark as it would on a premove, and the move itself did not happen. As a consequence, my clock ran out of time. I tried different moves but still it would not execute my move. What could be the reason?
A bug was deployed and fixed 20 seconds later. Sorry about that.
Came to write the same message re: this game:

Froze when I moved Bg7.
Never happened to me before so that explains it, no worries :)
@thibault said in #2:
> A bug was deployed and fixed 20 seconds later. Sorry about that.

You're the best. Thank you for an awesome chess experience!!
<Comment deleted by user>
@WhiteJacket said in #1:
> In the game
> , in what would be the end position, the move I did was not executed. When I moved the piece it highlighted the move in dark as it would on a premove, and the move itself did not happen. As a consequence, my clock ran out of time. I tried different moves but still it would not execute my move. What could be the reason?
if you didnt know, thibault created lichess
I did not have a glitch i think i did not move my bishop when there was a glitch

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