
Have you ever timed out in classical

If you have ever timed out in classical (or seen a classical game that timed out) please say so for classical NEVER times out it seems! I am pretty sure the only reason anyone plays it is because it is fun to have the timer on.
I've come down to two seconds in a 30|0 and my opponent timed out
I have seen it quite a few times in OTB tournaments, usually due to a complicated position and people playing on increment.
I have timeout several times in 30min and I have won OTB game on 90min + 40min@40th move + 30sec/move

And top player often end up in time trouble with that sort of time control.
It doesn't need to involve timing out for the time control to make sense. Making bad moves in time trouble is often enough to decide the game. Many online players though seem to play classical with the same speed as they play bullet.
In a Covid-19 world a time out in a correspondence game might be more understandable? I think, sometimes, players take on too many games at once. In classical games I have never timed out. @pn2206, your opponent in that game has a 97% game completion rate so something must have come up.

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