
peligra la humanidad por la desidia generalizada ?

muchas veces he leìdo sobre el problema que se està generalizando en lo que se refiere a la contaminaciòn ambiental, sobre todo a la destrucciòn de los bosque generadores de oxigeno y purificaciòn del aire que respiramos; al exceso de poblacion que tendremos en 50 años mas y al consumo de agua que habrìa para entònces. Me llama la atenciòn la poca importancia que se le da a este tema, muy importante como para pasar casi desapercibido en las noticias diarias que se leen en los periodicos o se escuchan por radio y televisiòn. Si èste tema fuera tan real como lo han planteado muchos ecologistas ¿ Que le estamos dejando a nuestros descendientes ?
Hey Michima,

There are people that care about the environment. It's very true - there are many people that do.

Then again, there are many people that don't. The environment costs money. Expenses for companies that would have to lessen their production, invest in cleaner technology, you name it.

In part, there's capitalism at work. Directly linked to this is greed and selfishness. Money makes the world go 'round, eh? Well, it certainly helps!

Also, there's the mindset of "I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't". In other words, people are lazy. The environment is a very political game; a very ... murky type of game.

People are starting to become more "aware" as the environment becomes an issue. But, as with every 'change', there will be opposition. As such, people will have to work towards change.

People like you, who are concerned, are a good first step. Being aware of an issue and caring about it is always a good, great, first step. Spreading awareness is the beginning.

I agree with you that it is not a priority to help the environment. It's a shame. What we can do, however, is spread the word and encourage a greener lifestyle and accept the inconveniences of taking public transport to work, and buying less-appealing, brown, recycled printing paper. But it's a first step.



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