
GM Raffael

New user here:

There was someone on ICC playing under this name utterly dominating the pools there. Rumors had it it was actually Kasparov or Svidler playing. There's videos on youtube.

The lichess user here has some pretty spectacular, and some faultless games.

So what do you guys think: very strong chess player? GM? Someone suggested engine use is possible too.
I dont think Svidler would play chess just after Dubai. Neither Kasparov during the campaign for FIDE :).

Let's just wait for the moment !
If he is strong player, why his rating lower then rating of titled players here?
We need him to play 100-150 rated games, then we could understand his average rating.
One cannot possibly, fairly, say something like that in a public forum.

How would you like it if someone did that about you?

Assassinating someone's reputation without evidence is so wrong. If you think someone is a cheat, you should report them privately.

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