
If you could choose one dead person to come back to life...

@FC-in-the-UK It's important to remember that when he was alive, Jesus was one of many preachers. There was little to separate him from everyone else. He wasn't even the only religious leader who people claimed had a god as a father. As Christianity caught on, then his importance elevated him over the others.

Flavius was born a few years after Jesus died. He was 25 years old when James - Jesus' brother - was killed, which was the passage I cited. He also wrote that Jesus was called Christ, which means messiah - and it's clear that Flavius doesn't agree that he was divine.

If you want eyewitness accounts, then read the Gospels. Those are a bit more suspect, but they are first hand accounts.

It's not like King Arthur, where the first accounts of his existence were written hundreds of years after he supposedly lived. People wrote of Jesus as he lived, and multiple Roman and Jewish accounts referenced Jesus in the years immediately after his execution.

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