
Magnus V.S Stockfish 8 Who Would Win?

I'm amazed that some people in this thread think any human at all stands a chance against stockfish 8. Like it's been said in this thread its rating is about 3400.

Seriously guys, Magnus is good but chess engines have been humanly impossible to defeat in a match for years and years and years, well before stockfish 8. Magnus included.
Computers play at their best nearly always.
They don't get tired, bored or distracted by noise or anything else.
They have some weaknesses but these are minor compared to human frailties, and very hard to exploit.
Hmm, Stockfish without opening books and endgame tablebases will probably lose, unless it can trick him tactically in some weird positions....
Do you mean Stockfish level 8 on here or Stockfish 8 the engine? Even at level 8 it's "only" 3000 elo on here, full strength Stockfish 12 is something like 3780. Stockfish 8 is probably also stronger than "level 8" on here. Stockfish level 8 on here he probably beats sometimes, but also gets some draws and losses. The full strength SF 12........not a chance he could win.

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