
Tired of Chess

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@philodendron68 said in #39:
> @chaitanya1205 Playing videos is not only a waste of time. It increases the reaction speed and in many games trains the memory. And you wrote that 'every master was once a beginner.' That's true, but how strong a chess player becomes depends very much on his age when he learned the game. The earlier in your life you learn the chess rules and play serious games, the better you will become as an adult player.

I completely agree and I have to add that certain video games can also improve your concentration, problem solving and critical thinking in various occasions.
well, ig u might like minecraft a bit more, but if u have only just started chess and still have provisional ratings, you wouldnt know what it's like to be high rated. u know, chess is better for u than minecraft is. (sorry, video games are bad)
I suck at chess, but still play this addictive game... I startet when i was a child and became a Mephisto chess Computer from my parents, because i showed interests in playing chess.

But then i startet way to many hobbies, had different interests, many of them i have also today.
In my thirtys i became back my interests in playing chess and today im playing as casual just 4 fun.

In my younger years there was no Internet or all this awesome things we have today. Maybe i would have played chess more if we had this options in the past. But the only opponent i had was Mephisto...

I will never be a gm, also never regional Master, but thats ok. I play to train my brain and just to have some fun challenging other players or the stupid Stockfish lvl1
I mean stockfish 3 does make mistakes, they're just less obvious. I tried a match against stockfish 3 out of curiosity and I was up a piece by move 10.
I pretty much only play competetive games and I have learnt that the true joy of playing them is not winning or losing, but improving. There is nothing more satisfying for me than seeing where I have come since the beginning of my journey.
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