
Interesting social commentary

Power in #s
Taking Back America

Today I spent a good amount of time thinking about an issue that is close to everybody's heart but nobody really talks about. People not just in America, but all over the world are constantly being manipulated. We've all heard of the top 2% having more than the other 98% combined. That doesn't bother me in the least. What bothers me is what they do with the power that comes with having a world of wealth above everybody else.

I was reading an article that stated a cancer drug that had a yearly production cost of roughly 160 per patient and had a retail cost of over 100,000 per customer. This means that even though they can make it affordable for everybody and still turn a profit, they don't. This made me so angry. Not for the reasons you might suspect. But because so many people responded in outrage and shock. To me this isn't new information. I wonder what world are people living in?

Another video was aimed at restoring people's faith in humanity. It featured people saving helpless animals. But what I feel many people overlook is almost every single situation was caused by us. So what? It's all cool that we create these perilous situations for animals that are killed by them everyday so long as we get a few cute videos of people saving the animals that time?

Presidential candidates spend millions upon millions of dollars to run campaigns. Then, after they win, they are nothing more than puppets for the corporations and federal reserve that funded said campaign to perpetuate the flawed societal thinking and habits within an ever more corrupt government..

Now imagine if the power were really in the people's hands? If for no other reason to point out exactly how little control we have over “our” government. Let's re-examine the 3 examples above in more detail. If the power were in our hands, how much more than the cost of production would a miracle cancer drug cost? And further more, how affordable for everybody would health care be? In the video with the animal, one of the clips was of people rescuing a kitten from a dilapidated building. I don't know about you, but if such a building were in my community, I would have it demolished to eliminate the public hazard. Now the big one, the corruption in our government.

The solution to this, even if we had the power. is not so simple. Government can be an amazing thing. Imagine an army of people campaigning for what's right, what they believe in, what their communities believe in. I can guarantee that miracle drug would be affordable, as well as health care in general, that kitten would've never needed rescuing because the building would've been removed rather than left to rot as a hazard to the community, and lastly, corporations wouldn't control our government and our everyday lives to the ends that fulfill their desires and keep us groveling. And we know their desire isn't to make this a better world for everybody. All the evidence seems to suggest that they are pretty happy with their world and look at us as a potential problem that must be contained and neutered.

So yeah, I guess I'm another one of those “crack pots” who think there is some sort of Illuminati international conspiracy to siphon wealth from the people. And maybe that's the problem. I'm not a crack pot. I believe if more people thought the way I did when looking at the world, the world would be a better place. But that's not how people work. Just like I'm an individual with my own perspective, insights, and experiences, so is everybody else. Many of us out there are happy with our lives. Why rock the boat? You, the average middle class person with a family and wife and 30,000 car and 60,000 a year career have it pretty good. But my comment to you is this, what happens to the same guy who has a wife pregnant with a child he knows is going to have expensive special needs and gets laid off and has to get cheap public insurance. Now you're living in a 2 bedroom apartment, working 2 jobs, still can't afford the medical bills, and now you're starting to see things my way.

You're just as disposable as a dishwasher or cashier. You just have a more comfortable slot in the machine. A lot of people will climb up to a level they consider successful. That's the American dream. But you're not successful. You're content and comfortable. Comfortable with you're small wedge of the world despite the suffering that surrounds you in your neighborhood, and all over your planet. To you I say, next time you're having a steak in a nice restaurant, remember that the person working hard in the back to prepare you're food makes 18,000 a year as a full time employee and the owner is on vacation in Thailand having sex with children while a mother feeds her kids from the dumpster behind the restaurant you're eating at.

You don't want to think about that. Nobody does. That's why things are the way they are. That's why they wont change until you start thinking about that. Until people start standing up for each other. Not just by demanding higher wages or better health care. That's just more crap to distract and manipulate us. You have to look through it all and try to grasp a much bigger picture and at the same time imagine what can be changed to fix this mess.

I'm not going to pretend to have any solution to offer. I'm just one person with one unique perspective. I'm sure I could fix my life. But there's been enough of that. I want to fix the machine that is our society. All I'm trying to do is attack the way we all think. Be more cynical. Ask deeper questions with this in mind. Stand up to authority and be willing to forfeit everything to do so if it's for what's right. Stop assuming that the people in power care about you or are trying to do what's right. Realize that's only what they want you to think and see. Find ways to tear down the facades.

One thing I will say is that elected officials are supposed to act on behalf of the people who vote for them. But after we've elected them, we really have very little power over what they do next. Then I think, ok, so why don't people just make the decisions and have elected officials carry out those decisions? Sure, in the 1800's that would be an impossible idea because of the communication restraints and that's perhaps why we elected officials in the first place. We don't have that problem any more.

What if our elected officials did nothing more than carry out things that we, the people, desire. Imagine that if you wanted to make gay marriage in your state legal. You start a petition, get the required number of supporters, then the proposition gets put to a vote by the people. Make it a cell phone app and something that can be done on line. Then after we, the people, make our decision, we pass that on to our government that then implements our will. May be a silly idea. But I can say with confidence it's better than what we got now and no corporation is going to bribe every person in the united states to make it ok to charge an impoverished dishwasher 5 grand for an IV in the hospital after he fell out due to dehydration at work.

No, it's a complicated topic and if it doesn't interest you enough to read the build up to the finish, I can't help you.
I.e. I'm asking for a summary of what's is written. Could you provide it, please? ;-)
I didn't write it. It would be inappropriate to alter it. Besides, you could've read it 4 times in the time it's taken you to ask for a summary. Come on now, grow a pair. If you're that interested, just read it.
Even though drug costs do need to cover research and development over and beyond production/mfg. costs, exorbitant pricing is pretty sad. I'm glad the recent attempt by Martin Shkreli got the attention it deserved.

It is not completely black and white though, it is in some sense a good thing for the drug companies to make money because the more money there is in the business, the more people, equipment and attention will be drawn to it, which in turn will produce new drugs, which is good for everyone. The balance can be out of whack and immoral though.
So why not take the responsibility to research new drugs and give it to the government. I mean to say, that if there was a need for it to be researched, why does it have to be a drug company that makes 100's of millions if not billions in profits? The drugs don't really cost that much to develop. That's just BS they use to manipulate you into letting them charge 100,000 per patient for a pill that cost 160. Tear down the facades. Be more cynical.
Why not take the responsibility to research new cars and give it to the government?

Can you imagine how shitty the consumer market for autos would be?

I'm not saying people, corporations nor governments are incapable of being evil - they all potentially are - but some are better at doing some things than others. Corporations are an organization of humans that will always be better at chasing profit than governments.

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