
World Chess Championship: Games 3 and 4 - A New Hope?

@RealDavidNavara said in #23:
> I rewarded many White's moves with exclamation marks. In fact, my original study
> also contains a final comment about a great game, but it is missing in the published version for some reason. I will try to have the problem fixed soon.
> At the same time, it was a great game, but it was also decided by a mistake on Black's part in a fully playable position. The two things do not contradict each other.
Good job!
I hope actually Ding wins, because i love his amazig style to play a game.
I think Nepo will win the World Chess Championship. I wish he had played the Nepo World Championship Tournament with Magnus for the 2nd time.
Why is there, not any schedule and score that is easily accessible? It's the most important event in chess...
I believe Ian can win the championship.Because he is a good fighter.
Партія гарна два генія. Мало помилок хотілося побільше таких партій. Слава Україні!
The time has come to Chinese GM and WGM. China has helped popularise chess a great deal. They have made chess sets of all sorts at affordable prices. The magnet-based chess pieces are useful for small size, in a fashionable look. The 3-in-1 sets (chess, backgammon and checkers) are a Chinese invention.

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