
What's your favorite way to lose?

We face the fact. No matter how prepared we get for any number of handfuls of games, there is a handful that we lose. No matter how we're trained to take losing, it's still boring to lose most
(although not all) games. :D

So if you go down, may as well find a way to do it in style, right? Blame it on your environment! Throw the nearest cat, dog, or fat chicken that kept bothering you during the game!

Cause man, if some of the games on this site were OTB, I'd pick up my king, run to the nearest glass window, throw it out straight through the glass, and scream, "FUCK IT!!!!!"

(...heh,,) But it's actually quite fun to lose well-fought games on both sides, so different people use different styles for different games. Sure, take it with grace, review, assess, and move on,
but what fun is constantly doing that :D style and spirit are factors to winning, too.
funniest way to lose is playing what i call "king on a ru unn"
showing complete disrespect and contempt of you opponent
and 99.9% of time futile and child like....however their is still 0.1% chance (be honest we have all been there) that we can still pull a draw out the bag here.. hmm mabye even a win with time
advantage quick king leg it!!! hehe
Yeah I've done that a few times, too XD and you wouldn't believe it, but, in those 1 0 or 2 0 games, it can score some unexpected wins. :D I just checkmated this annoying bitch on accident. She was
so close to mating me I felt like it was hopeless, and I would normally have resigned if I didn't tell like stalling the last seconds on my clock. So, I went for the contemptuous, disrespectful
perpetual check, hoping her clock would flag first. Instead, my clock flagged at the EXACT same time I checkmated. End result, I win the points, and the game.

Dude if I were you though, the moment your wife bugs you for the n-millionth time about shopping lists, while I'm losing a game because of her shit, I'd just go on over, pick her up, and
somersault-toss her over onto the chess board and ruin the entire game. YOU SEE THIS SHIT? SEE WHAT THIS BITCH DID TO OUR GAME
nice win bet she was pissed? ha lmfao XD now i just ask her if there is any thing she wants to tell or ask me or anything i gotta do BEFORE i start to play, that way i cover my bases before we have a
domestic and she ends up getting smacked all over the room with the edge of my laptop.
Oh she was probably too numb to have a reaction. I think it's just a duplicate account here of someone who wanted to play rated games without compromising their own rating, trying to find some other
way to cheat.

But yeah XD, just make sure she knows to be on her way to the damn store already, no later than by the time your clock starts running down :D
lol should start a new thread.....reasons why you hate your partner and what do you want to do to them?

lol, though to be honest I couldn't lead that off as well since I haven't been committed in any relationships yet, but goddamn have I had fun taking revenge on bitches.
Push through giant razor blades into a pool of vinegar!
i pity you cos you have it all to come :(
no matter how much i think about and plot revenge females always win somehow it's in there nature
You know it always tends to be tougher for some reason, but, I don't know why....

One way to win though and not lose,
Get the bitch back into the kitchen making chili where she belongs. Eat the chili, accept the fact that a few of your opponent's moves are going to give you some serious gas. You'll still win one
way or the other from that point on :D
My girlfriend compared my chess obsession to her watching television today.

That pissed me off.

On topic, I hate to lose to my own oversight of a mate-in-one. OUCH.

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