
Best opening to play as a 1700

Depends how much you want to study openings. If you want to play a "system" opening to reduce your study (something like the London), that is a perfectly fine thing to do. Growing up, I had a friend that played the London against essentially every D4 defense and made expert that way (2000+), and my then best friend, who is now an IM and professional chess coach, played the Botvinik English (another system that can be played against a wide range of defensive responses).

My personal belief is that you can learn general chess stuff from studying openings, but its probably not the absolute best use of your chess time at 1700. So I do favor learning systems that reduce study time.
@bestgamercoolgamer2 said in #1:
> Best opening to play as a 1700
bro you are 1700 in only bullet you should have mentioned the word bullet and i recommend you to play an opening which is same against every defense so i say that you should play............................ english or london or KIA as white and KID as black
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