

Good day fellow Atomic Players,

Lichess Team has Denied my Appeal, and they said it's final,,

I cannot do anything more, I explain everything I have done during my 2 years playing of Atomic,,
But still not convincing,

Then again, rules is rules, Policy is policy,,
Now I'm totally out of this Tour,,

Almost happy to got in top16,
But I guess not

Nothing more to add,,
But to say
Thanks Everyone for a Happy and Booming Experience

Just for your information, I did not report anyone in the awc nor I am a moderator but wish I was one so I could eliminate tournament rules and dictatorship just like my supreme leader and spread democracy like our great country has :) also the player I had my doubts about, has already either been eliminated or did not play in awc in any rounds. And I stand clear and I'm 100 percent sure about the other two players and in my opinion, appropriate action has already been taken by lichess against them. In short, no more surprises for the tournament dicta.... Director :( (Almost forgot to spell director) goodluck to lesha for gaining 3rd spot three times in a row in awc. Sutcunuri or catask gonna win this awc ::skullface:: I hope some players can give tough competition to these two. Goodluck everyone!
I didn’t understand what kind of hasty conclusions! Lesha will win the tournament!
I've advanced @variantbunny on Challonge solely to make pairings available so the rest of the tournament can proceed.

@variantbunny vs @ritabangur has until Wednesday, October 11th 2023 to play their match. The winner of this match will play @vlad_00. The deadline for *that* match will also be extended due to delays.

The rest of the top 16 has been set already. This tournament has changed to a double knockout phase.

Matches will be:
@vlad_00 vs @variantbunny/@ritabangur winner
@Chrollo_l vs @MakeFetchHappen
@Vannto vs @NeverOfZero
@Wolfram_EP vs @pashpash
@JakeStateFarm vs @R2a1m7b5o908
@Natso ** vs @catask **
@sutcunuri vs @Crepuscular
@lesha2002 vs @havfanridindis

Matches should be completed for the first phase by Sunday, October 15th 2023, except for the @vlad_00 match.

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