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151 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Training graph is too short-term#20

I don't know about the amount of time that I use. Oftentimes I think about a position, then go to do something else for a few minutes, come back to it later, then think until I figure it out or think …

Lichess Feedback - Sound changed?#27

The sound is cool. The only sound that I have heard on this that I don't like so much is when NM amazing oid plays and he has this automatic commentator with a Russian accent or whatnot and it becomes…

Lichess Feedback - Training graph is too short-term#18

Could it also be noted that clicking on the training puzzles would be nice instead of dragging the pieces as an option like in normal games and these forum (prove you're a human puzzles)? Thanks :)

Lichess Feedback - Sound changed?#13

I would like to have options, especially for volume. I just started using the sound to alert me when I was playing a game since I like to do other things in other tabs (especially on YouTube) but the …

Lichess Feedback - how do you become a lichess master?#2

See: Usually Thibalt likes it when questions like these are put in the Q&A thing, though in this case, it has already been asked and answered. Good day…

Lichess Feedback - Translation of the bottom thing#1

I was wondering if there is a reason that the bottom (where the help, Q&A,... stuff at the bottom) is not translated when I changed the language from English to other languages (Spanish and polski and…

General Chess Discussion - Help needed from expert#4

Disclaimer: I'm no expert... 1. I don't have much more to say than that you should have a plan (esp. in the middle game) about how you are going to attack his king or fortify yours; just keep that in …

Lichess Feedback - Avatar#8

People's countries are shown if they put it down, otherwise nothing is shown...
