
Search "user:NoThinkingAllowed"

34 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Running down the clock but not on purpose#3

this error is purely an internet connection problem. lichess has a little green thing next to the players name, it's their connection status, connected or not. if they or you cant connect to the liche…

General Chess Discussion - Ware/Corn stalk Defense?#1

What exactly does this do? and how could I have punished it? It almost says Big Chuk... lol

General Chess Discussion - Length (in move count) of longest theoretically possible chess game?#4

ah... i did not count on the pawn movement... my bad. didn't know about that rule.

General Chess Discussion - Length (in move count) of longest theoretically possible chess game?#3

the number of pieces multiplied by 50. because if a piece is not captured after 50 moves the game is a draw. so, 32 X 50, 1600 moves.

General Chess Discussion - horde chess pun#1

get pawned.....

General Chess Discussion - Variant idea: Spy Chess#27

in real life... or the board editor, for something like an all knight game.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Forum idea#1

seriously there are alot of puzzles that have made it onto this forum, it's just about worth it to make a designated section... share your thoughts!

General Chess Discussion - Strange, dude#3

dude that is awesome! it gets really hard when the bishops start popping up. I love that little easter egg!

General Chess Discussion - How to deal with blunders#6

Just shout out to the world, "i made an oopsie!" and make sure everyone can hear you.

General Chess Discussion - Variant idea: Spy Chess#6

nope nevermind... misunderstanding. you lose the spy you lose the game. derp
