
Search "user:DrunkTal"

37 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Quick Update: Move Animations#2

Thank you!!

NM DrunkTal
General Chess Discussion - thoughts & ideas#11

One thing I cannot figure out is how to disable animations when pieces move. I saw on a few Lichess streams they had no animations, but I haven't found a way to disable them...

NM DrunkTal
General Chess Discussion - What admins don't want you to know#17

Never fear, in Lichess' time of need I shall step up and become the champion... when i finally figure out how to solve this tricky mate in one captcha

NM DrunkTal
Lichess Feedback - Moderators needed (with some icon )#2

I do think the moderators should have some icon or indication that they are a part of the staff.

NM DrunkTal
General Chess Discussion - 1.e4 "best by test" or "worse cuz you're on their turf"?#21

I learned the Ruy Lopez and became extremely well acquainted with it super early in my chess career. While I don't regret learning it as well as I did so early, I wouldn't recommend a beginner trying …

NM DrunkTal
General Chess Discussion - A real chess problem.#4

Perhaps I'm not the best to respond to something like this considering I often don't follow my own advice and make moves based on instinct, but it often helps students when I tell them to check what y…

NM DrunkTal
Lichess Feedback - lag#2

I am also continuously disconnecting at the moment

NM DrunkTal