
Search "user:AngryWeasel"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Chess Facts & Trivia#1

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NM AngryWeasel
Community Blog Discussions - Mate with a knight and a bishop#1

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NM AngryWeasel
Lichess Feedback - 10 Minute Ban#11

Thanks Bufferunderrun for the info

NM AngryWeasel
Lichess Feedback - 10 Minute Ban#7

Sorry as I can be that the system did not save the aborted game. I assure you I am not making this up. I have better things to do than make up false stories. The 10-0 score you speak about is a traini…

NM AngryWeasel
Lichess Feedback - 10 Minute Ban#1

When I used to play on the ICC I had a problem with a lot of players that when they saw that I had a NM by my name they would just sit there until the system aborted the game. Then I started playing o…

NM AngryWeasel