
Search "user:JuicyChickenNO1"

236 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Difference in thinking?#3

That's interesting. I never thought about that, but it makes sense. It's like somebody mugging you in the street; they picked you because they think they can beat you.

General Chess Discussion - A few questions about titles in lichess#7

@DJ-Sniper said in #3: > It is probably not one, lichess would definitely allow two or more since many players with titles would like to have a secret account But the account is more secret if you don…

Game analysis - Thoughts?#3

Once, but the other guy fell for a trap and lost pretty quick:

General Chess Discussion - The Lucena position#2

You messed it up that time. You sacrificed the rook in order to promote the pawn, which is not how it's meant to go.

General Chess Discussion - Is this a good position? - Fianchetto help needed#2

It's not really about the fianchetto. You're attacking the other guy with those pawns, so basically you're going all in. If you do that you're decreasing your king's safety for sure, but you're expect…

General Chess Discussion - Computer bots playing chess#36

@IncontenentiaButtux I saw the reply you just deleted man. Once again you forgot to acknowledge that the guy was playing 24 other dudes at the same time. I don't believe for a second that you only pla…

Game analysis - Computer wants me to take on IQP after achieving pawn center?#7

Pawns are only cool as long as they can move; you have to push the paws that can keep moving. In that center the e pawn will end up blocked, but the d pawn has the potential to do stuff. If you're wor…

General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#4

Dead wrong. You want to develop your rooks by first letting them see each other, and then possibly stacking them in some file. For this you need to get the king out of their way. You could do this by …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess#5

You should see it as an opportunity to become stronger. Why are you playing on the Internet if not to find strong opponents? You could play offline with your computer if you wanted to always win. In a…

General Chess Discussion - Computer bots playing chess#25

@IncontenentiaButtux said in #24: > Played against an IM a couple days ago and while no offense towards him he couildn't handle me at about 60% of my usual level of play while 1800's and 1900's play m…
