
Search "user:PurpleKangaroo"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - People won't resign#15

@Mark_Iorio There's no real point in comparing online chess to OTB though, is there? I wouldn't be listening to music at all if I was playing OTB, nor would I be playing whilst eating a big bag of cri…

Lichess Feedback - Please, ban non-fair players.#30

Players leave the board during "real" chess all the time - maybe to go to the toilet or just to get up and walk around.

Lichess Feedback - People won't resign#10

I sometimes navigate away from the lichess window to skip a track on my music player or glance at an email or something. I'd find it incredibly obnoxious for the website to stop me from doing that.

Lichess Feedback - Android App - End of Game#1

I updated the Android app to the newest version, having previously not updated for a little while. There are several aesthetic changes, some of which I like (home screen redesign) and some of which I …
