
Search "user:Y0urM0ther"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New Chess Variants Request#9

here is what i suggest :D I mean this site stole "king of the hill" from other computer games. i dont know if someone allready mentioned, …

Lichess Feedback - capture the flag#7

can someone ask thibault what he is thinking about it?

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#26

please read the first pages before you are doubleposting things over and over again. we heared these proves often enough now. this topic just has so many posts cause one user doesnt want to understand…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#24

another example: x1=0.999 for x2 you steal one digit x2=0.99 and you see x2 is smaller than x1. no with infinit digits!!! x3=0.999... for x4 you steal one digit x4=0.99... and here some strange things…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#22

and your argumentation is still wrong. you dont let out numbers like 0.000000111111111111111111111111. with a INFINIT amount of digits (in your own words) you let out 0.000000000000000... wich is exac…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#21

but he asked a mathamatical question! if you see it philosophical you can never give an answer to any question. and im really sure he didnt meaned this question to be philosophical. and if you underst…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#19

this is totally wrong: "@#7 when i add 0.1 9 times i arrive at the reasonable answer of 0.9. if i try and add the numeric representation of 1/9 ( which is not actually possible) 9 times, i start by tr…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#17

# ah ok now i know what you are meaning. but its mathematical wrong. what you mean is only right if you have no real numbers (not sure about this point) for instance rational numbers. you can bring th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#15

you can have a proof for mathematicans only when my schoolmath doesnt please you. you know what the definition of the real numbers is? it has to do with an axiom about nested intervals (i dont know th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does .9 repeating = 1?#13

#stoo youre convergence argument is wrong 0.9+0.09+0.009+0.0009+...=1 for infinite steps! it isnt close to 1, it is 1 (for infinite steps of cause)!
