
Search "user:kalaschnikov-attack"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Request: Copy Tactics to own space or studies easily#1

Hi Team, I love the "Aufgaben" from Lichess. Just one possible improvement: As the history of Aufgaben is not longer in Lichess, might it be possible to copy easily the Aufgaben to my own space? So to…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: 50-move-rule#1

Hi Team, there is a bug in the analysis engine: If there are 50 moves done without pawn move and without capture, then engine sometimes recommendes losing move (e.g. blundering a rook). After that, it…

Lichess Feedback - faster analysis feature#1

Hey team,, is there a way to the analysis of games? I love this feature, but it takes some time to reach accuracy (e.g. depth of 30 in Stockfish). I can only adjust 1 core, 1 GB RAM in the menu, why n…
