
The King's Gambit

1130 • LeninPerez •
  1. Introduction
  2. Watch out for the open diagonal!
  3. Black defends the pawn (3.g5)
  4. A double-edged variation!
  1. LeninPerez

Queen's Gambit Declined

1855 • LeninPerez •
    1. LeninPerez

    World Champions Puzzles!

    595 • LeninPerez •
      1. LeninPerez

      The Sicilian Najdorf

      1349 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. First Moves
      3. Main Lines
      4. The English Attack 6.Be3
      1. LeninPerez
      2. GM SalgadoChess

      The Queen's Gambit | For beginners

      2548 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Main Scheme 1
      3. Black accepts the gambit ...e6
      4. Black plays ...e5
      1. LeninPerez

      My System: Illustrative Games

      286 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Aron Nimzowitsch - Semion Alapin
      3. Louis van Vliet - Znosko-Borovsky
      4. Francis Joseph Lee - Aron Nimzowitsch
      1. LeninPerez

      Ruy Lopez | For Beginners

      2076 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. First Moves
      3. Don't bite the bait... 5.Nxe5?
      4. Main Line (Morphy Defense 3.a6)
      1. LeninPerez

      How to use your Pieces [ Part 2 ]

      289 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Contents
      3. The King
      4. Castling on the kingside
      1. LeninPerez

      How to analyze a chess game

      2039 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Help from your computer
      3. Computer analysis
      4. The Old Method
      1. LeninPerez

      Indian Defenses Repertoire

      911 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. King's Indian Defense
      3. Sämisch Variation
      4. Four Pawns Variation
      1. LeninPerez

      Repertoire for 1.d4 Players

      2157 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Queen's Gambit accepted
      3. Queen's Gambit declined
      4. London System
      1. LeninPerez

      How To Use your Pieces [ Part 1 ]

      941 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Pawns | Description and Stats
      3. Teamwork
      4. Pawn Breakups
      1. LeninPerez

      The Italian Opening (For beginners)

      1306 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. First Moves
      3. Giuoco Piano
      4. Giuoco Pianissimo
      1. LeninPerez

      The London System | For Beginners

      2500 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Pieces Formation
      3. First three moves
      4. The Pyramid of Pawns
      1. LeninPerez

      Bobby Fischer | World Chess Champions

      200 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Biography
      3. First Years
      4. ''The Game of the Century''
      1. LeninPerez

      The Pawns | All you need to know

      656 • LeninPerez •
      1. Introduction
      2. Pawns | The most basic
      3. The Pawn Chain
      4. Example: French Defense
      1. LeninPerez