
Do you give a rematch?

On, I experienced an unpleasant kind of pressure to offer rematches. A few players let me know they standard block opponents who do not offer rematch. Pity for them, but that decision is up to me. If I want to play a lot of different opponents or have little time I prefer to choose a new opponent.
I think it's pretty basic courtesy to give a rematch if the loser of a game wants one. One other small thing is I try to end series games where an opponent I have played more than 2 games on an even so we both get the same number of black/white.
"Do you give a rematch?"

Win or lose I never offer a rematch and I never accept a rematch. This idea that "it's pretty basic courtesy to give a rematch if the loser of a game wants one" is totally wrong in my opinion.

Some people including me like to study the game just played. Other people like to rest between games or they might have something better to do, or they think it's boring to play the same person again especially when there's thousands of other opponents out there.

Also, sometimes the loser is a waste of time, for example they quit the game too early or they know nothing about chess.
On of my older chessfriends (on the wooden board, not digital) added another perpective to this. He abandoned Internetgames for a simple reason. After one blitzgame he is tired, he just can't concentrate for more than one game, once or twice a day. The last thing he's waiting for is an angry opponent. This is an aspect I totally miss in this discussion. Not everyone is young and healthy.
One more thing: Even if the rematch is declined the opponent often gets a rematch eventually. I played one person more than a dozen times and not one of those games was a rematch.
I once in the portal, Chess planet, faced with the fact that the player made a mistake in the attack and lost. I left the party started to play a new one but he came into my new party and wrote insults. He really wanted to win. Such players usually do not play in tournaments. And many opinions about his game. Maybe they are playing drunk. I hate to play with such boors. Chess is a game for the mind. And lower it to the level of the tavern, and I don't want to.
If someone, who is lower rated, wins me (for the first time) in a casual game and declines rematch, I just block this player. I usually always accept rematches. I only decline if it was a player with a high lag or a sandbagger, or it is a rated game and I feel I'm going to lose the next game.

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