
nqistinasm's Study

1 • nqistinasm •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. nqistinasm

Lesson 3

2 • HuyVietNam •
  1. Lesson 2: Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop e7
  2. Lesson 2: Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5
  3. Lesson 2: Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5 Line 2
  4. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop c5
  1. HuyVietNam

Lesson 2

1 • HuyVietNam •
  1. Opening
  2. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop e7
  3. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5
  4. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5 Line 2
  1. HuyVietNam

Gambit Evans

4 • DGT2022 •
  1. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop e7
  2. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5 Line 2
  3. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop a5
  4. Evan's Gambit Accepted Bishop c5
  1. DGT2022

The Głø Krüller Gambit

152 • The_Inverse_Tangent •
  1. What is the Głø Krüller?
  2. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack, main line
  3. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.h3
  4. Głø Krüller Gambit Accepted: Füter attack ...6.Bxh6
  1. The_Inverse_Tangent
  2. Crazy_Cotangent

Latvian Gambit

5 • Darkdragon0101 •
  1. Welcome
  2. Chapter 1: Bc4
  3. Chapter 2: exf5
  4. Chapter 3: Nxe5
  1. Darkdragon0101

Chess exhibition 2023-24

3 • Parth_kIs_99 •
  1. Stafford Gambit: Russian Game
  2. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit (ICBM)
  3. Blackburne Shilling Gambit
  4. Philidor Defense
  1. Parth_kIs_99
  2. krivam_7D_KIS_69
  3. accessaditya

TGM_DaxRUSTY's Study

  1. Chapter 1

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

12 • lexamuray2022 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. lexamuray2022

Tennison Gambit

1 • Hengrui1 •
  1. ICBM Gambit
  2. Don’t do this in the ICBM
  3. ICBM extended (made by me)
  4. How to take the queen
  1. Hengrui1

Destroy the Italian Game with the Dark Knight Gambit!

4 • BunnyMommyIsHappy •
  1. What is the Dark Knight Gambit?
  2. Try it out!
  3. Nxf7, g3
  4. Nxf7, O-O
  1. BunnyMommyIsHappy

French Defense Tarrasch Variation + Sub French lines

3 • colt45nine •
  1. tarrash sum.
  2. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #1 by GM Anish Giri
  3. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. exd5 #2 by GM Anish Giri
  4. French defence variations PART1: Tarrasch with 5. Nxd4 !! by GM Anish Giri
  1. colt45nine

anrewm's Study

1 • anrewm •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. anrewm

englund gambit

1 • PurpleSpikyGhost •
  1. main line trap
  2. classic trap
  3. anti englund
  4. anti englund...takes
  1. GoodPinkishKid
  2. PurpleSpikyGhost

The Story of Hans Lindehn

9 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Hans Anton Westesson Lindehn - Adolf Ferdinand Svanberg 1-0
  3. What we know?
  4. Hans Anton Westesson Lindehn - J. I. Elfving
  1. Green_Frog96

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

1791 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. Green_Frog96