
Amusing Endgame

I just did postmortem analysis on my games and found this game with quite amusing endgame. White is up a Queen but can hardly proceed, and it is not really a fortress.

Please ignore the blunders, quite a lot of them are premoves.
Not sure if it would work but in the position after 102... Ke6, white might try similar plan as discussed here:

The queen would force black king to a8 corner with queen on b6. Black would then be forced to play d3 first and then move the bishop so that either queen captures it (if it moves to b4, a5 or d4) or king takes on d2 and then d3 (if the bishop moves anywhere else).
Bro you just have to start mating him. Start taking as much space as you can with your king and queen. Instead of giving checks every move think about leaving him in zugzwang so you can corner him. It's about improving your position a little with each move; checks that don't improve your position are useless. He has no way to support the advance of his pawn, so you really have no reason to be afraid. Here's some example games:

@JuicyChickenNO1 Appreciate the effort. Perhaps Hikaru can execute those mates in 20 or 30 moves, but not me. It's clear, though, that what White should do is not easy: 1. Activate the King, 2. Check, and 3. Guard the d1 square. Meanwhile, Black can just premove the entire time.

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