
Automatic courtesy

'Good Game' refers to the fact that chess is a good game. Short for 'The Good Game', it is a prayer said to appease the chess gods for our dubious mortal play - least we get all the boards and pieces taken away.

What is this heathen bull poop?
Thanks, I needed this feature and I didn't even knew I needed it.
When two cheaters play each other, they should both be forced to automatically say "Good engine, which one?"
I just disagree, because the option will be there to do it automatically, it just doesn't mean anything. I will not say well played if we both blunder 6 times in a row and I lose on time. What if the opponent stalemates you and he has a completely winning position? I would be extremely irritated if some one just automatically tells me "Well played!" . I will not be enabling it, and frankly I don't think it's all that great of a feature... but this is my opinion.
I always mean to say it, and I'm tired of typing (or clicking it) after every bullet game. This setting is for people who feel the same.
@larans please dont waste space meant for discussing like this.You could have written this like 'GG' or 'gg' or 'Good Game' etc.

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