
Swiss tournaments are on Lichess

@odoaker2015 #219 Are you trolling me? You're saying that every time the stronger player wins is unrealistic(??), but 100% draws as done as a test in #190 is all okay?
#220 I've put it in FIDE mode, I already said that in my post...
@TacticalBert I just did the same thing you did. I used Swisschess. I also let the higher rated players win every round. The number of participants was 10 and the number of rounds was 9. After 7 rounds it was over. The software could not calculate any more pairings. In addition, if there are 10 participants and 9 rounds, the requirement that only players with the same or similar score are drawn against each other is constantly violated.
@TacticalBert Obviously, we are coming up with different results. And now? You haven't told me what software you've been using. If it's free, maybe I can download it and repeat the experiment with this software. Please tell me which software you used. I also told you which software I used.
@odoaker2015 "Dude", you're tiring me. Earlier, I already told in this site which program I use. Unfortunately for you, I have a background in mathematics and therefore the basic logic. If you make a statement "that cannot work!" I only have to give an example where it can, and voila, there is your proof. As for the all-draws-example, there may be a problem in the color distribution. But investigate that yourself, please.

I explained how Swiss structures work according to FIDE, and therefore at Lichess. It works a charm, and as one would expect. When it's not, like in #191, I researched for the case why it was that way, and you just talk over it. Even conducting an experiment, I've put in enough effort and won't do anymore. It's clearly not worth it, discussing with you, sorry. Also my apologies to the rest of the readers who must be fed up with all this gibberish.
@TacticalBert Na, du machst es dir ja sehr einfach! Man kann ein Schweizer System Turnier NICHT mit einem Vollrunden Turnier gleichsetzen! Und ich habe auch lange und breit erklärt warum das gar nicht gehen kann. Und nach einer gewissen Anzahl von Runden in Abhängigkeit der Teilnehmerzahl ist einfach Schluß! Es können keine weiteren Paarungen ermittelt werden! Sehe dir doch einfach den Post von schubix an! Und ich habe dein Turnier wiederholt! Und ich komme nur auf 7 Runden. Komisch oder? Außerdem wird andauernd gegen die Voraussetzung verstoßen, dass nur Spieler mit der gleichen Punktzahl oder mit einer fast gleichen Punktzahl gegeneinander ausgelost werden dürfen. Deswegen ist auch nach der 7. Runde Schluß! Das ist eine Sache der Logik! Einmal nachdenken!
@TacticalBert Noch eins: Was fällt dir ein, dich für mich zu entschuldigen? Das ist eine Frechheit! Ich äußere hier nur meine Meinung! Das darf ich wohl, oder?
Well, whether you like it or not, that's it! I come to results other than TacticalBert! And Swisschess is not flawed either! This is the official software of the German Chess Federation to handle Chess Tournaments! The software works according to the requirements of FIDE! And I trust the software!
I would be curious if you try to create a Swiss system tournament in your local chess club, in which for example 30 participants are there and 28 rounds are to be played! Let's say it's a Blitz tournament! I'd like to be there! I'm sure it would be fun!

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