
Peoples opinions on Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, etc.

Well if it's not Bernie Sanders I'll be very sad. It will be very challenging, if possible at all, to make up for the Bush years.
it's all theatrics

bush gave us a war for oil (I mean c'mon even Alan fucking Greenspan admitted it)

obama gave us "universal healthcare" that really just increased corporate healthcare insurance company profits

meanwhile our civil liberties are eroded every day

just skip hacking our phones and setting up automatic license plate scanners all over the country to track our every conversation and movement... well that's already done, actually, so let's get on with the internet ID cards already, mandatory facebook accounts and wait... actually, fuck it, just chip us already. do you really think it makes a difference b/w trump and hillary? It's just bullshit theatrics to see which corporate donors get more return on their political investment.

I'm very patriotic. my ancestors fought in all the major American wars. I want my country to be great, but we're fucking up on some things.
the point of my comment is that it is blatantly obvious our political leaders are funded by and do things to serve the benefit of... powerful corporate donors.

Hillary is the most well-funded Democratic candidate by Wall Street. You think they don't expect a return on their investment?

Trump is not different. He doesn't give a fuck about your or me, or anyone except the people who owes favors to, and himself of course.

It's not about small people, the people who built this country and the people who keep building it. It's about money and power. More and more for those who have it. That's what our politicians are doing.

Meanwhile every day people have their civil liberties eroded...

We need a candidate who is going to provide prosperity, a growing economy, and profit not just for our major corporations and their leaders, but for everyone; but more importantly, we need to protect our civil liberties, our freedoms, equality and privacy. I don't see any candidate doing that.

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