
The music thread to end all music threads

Wand - 1000 Days (Full Album)

from this day forward I will try to make it a habit to present a piece of music I found (at least) worthwhile here in this thread --- I did the exact same thing on The-Website-which-must-not-be-named a number of years ago and it turned out to be a blessing for everyone involved!

well, maybe not literally EVERYONE ... god, sometimes I wish we could format our texts more. :/
The Machine - Solar Corona (Full Album)

What would you guys prefer? Me posting full albums or just one, two favorite tracks of mine out from it?

not everyone has the time to listen to multiple complete albums every day (I listen to music nearly everywhere I go, otoh)
I think you all should add tag-like keywords next to your recommendations so I can skip through genres I'm not big fans of quickly.
yes, that is an excellent idea !!

Add a few short sentences too, but they aren't a must.

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