
Search "user:paulll"

115 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why the discrepancy?#16

@President_DonaldDuck I thought that your #4 was a genuine question. If it was, then testaccount42's #5 should have explained the 4 and the DTM6. Now, if his reply did not make sense to you, shouldn't…

General Chess Discussion - Why the discrepancy?#13

@President_DonaldDuck I must say that you are wrong here, and testaccount42 is entirely correct

Lichess Feedback - Similarly rated puzzles in training#1

Is it possible to give puzzles that are similar to the user's puzzle rating? I remember there used to be an option to choose "hard" puzzles, where the puzzles given would have a similar rating to my p…

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Lichess Feedback - Meaning of bonehead#2

I don't know spanish, but bonehead pretty much means a stupid person.

Lichess Feedback - New user interface#6

@terrax @finix14 @ltgseb thanks for the constructive feedback.

Game analysis - Analyzing games - What makes it difficult?#2

Can I +1 this?

Game analysis - How should i attack black king?#4

Thanks daniel. Here are my thoughts. First, 36.R6h2 doesn't do anything. Don't play a move if it doesn't do anything. Second, you were clearly winning after you broke through and traded. In that case,…

Game analysis - I'm NM James Canty III and I am willing to analyze your games for free. Is anybody interested?#7 I hope you could analyze this game. Also, I'll be interested in watching those videos, could you link them?

Lichess Feedback - Mid- to Late-game versus mode#3

My question is why players need to practice rare scenarios.
